Health Resolution Revolution

When you, a family member or friend are first diagnosed with cancer it can hit the patient hard.

“Why me?”  They say. It can be a traumatic time.

Strong emotions may be associated with the diagnosis. There may be shock, denial,  confusion, guilt, anger, defeat, hopelessness and despair just to name a few.

The next thought is “what do I do now?” and “what is my strategy plan to defeat this?” Confusion can arise from the many directions facing the diagnosed and the information presented.

Worse, friends and family who mean well, can begin voicing their own fears and issue their own from-the-hip recommendations. This can be confusing and cause unnecessary burden-bearing — as the already-beleaguered patient is already deciphering new information doing their best to split truth from collective self-interest.

Understand This: Cancer Is Big Business And A Major Growth Industry.

Current reports estimate the cancer industry to be…

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